Yahoo! Search Network


Yahoo! search network represents the second and third most used search engines and their networks should not be ignored. The major point of Yahoo! Search Networks is that it has been valuable for smaller marketing budgets and is grabbing more market share. They represent a massive reservoir of untapped potential for many businesses, often at much lower CPA rates.
Yahoo! Bing Ads is a perfect platform for businesses with a tighter monthly media spending budget, as well as being a perfect complement for businesses wanting to scale and expand their reach to more high-intent purchasers on a gigantic untapped network.

Benefits of Yahoo! Search Network:-

More granular control

Sophisticated ad scheduling strategies are far easier to manage. YBN allows you to assign different campaigns and different time zones.

Great Customer Service

The Yahoo search networks are extremely helpful in solving issues. This is great for the average business that may not be familiar with the shades of search advertising.

Flexibility and Transparency

Better device targeting capability is just one of the ways in which YBN ads offer greater targeting and transparency for advertisers.

More Consistent Results

Increase visibility to potential customers that businesses may miss out on.YBN ads create better sales and conversion rates and it has attractive audience demographics.

Adword India has one of the best Yahoo and Bing professionals whose expertise falls in building a good campaign where you will get the minimum cost per click(CPC) with less competition and more conversions. Our team designs a strategy of how can you reach as many people in the target market, by building a variety of market channels for your business.

Let’s Talk!

If you have any questions or specific requirements. You can always give us a Call at +91 9116631741

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